How long does my license last?
- All real estate licenses have a life expectancy of 2 years. They usually expire on either March 31st or September 30th. If you cannot get your license renewed prior to the expiration, you will need to go back and take the pre-license course.
If I have a real estate license from another state or country, can I be exempt from a class?
- If you currently have a sales associate license or broker license from another state or country, please contact My School. We can research your eligibility for a Florida real estate license.
How old do I need to be in order to sign up for the school?
- You must only be at least 18 years of age to sign up. There is no maximum age, anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to attend. It is never too late!
What are the requirements to be able to take the course and apply for the state exam?
- You don’t need to have all the requirements to take the course. But the following are the requirements for the exams:
- You need to be 18 years of age or older.
- You need a high school diploma or GED from any school in the world.
- You need to have a Social Security number.
Can you keep both a sales associate license and broker license simultaneously?
- No, you can only keep one at a time.
What is the difference between a broker, a broker associate and a sales associate?
- A Broker has held an active sales associate license for a minimum of two years. Brokers are licensed to manage their own real estate businesses and agents.
- A Broker Associate is an individual who meets the requirements of a broker but who chooses to work in real estate under the direction of another broker.
- Sales Associates must work with a broker, usually on a contract basis. They perform real estate services for compensation or other consideration but do not do so under the direction, control, and management of an active broker or owner-developer.
Where can I get my fingerprints done?
- The Department of Business and Professional Regulation accepts electronic fingerprinting services offered by Livescan device vendors that are approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and listed at their site. Click here for listing of fingerprinting services within the Broward and Miami-Dade area, but for more information on these services please visit our Resources page.